we met frankie at #TDKtuesdays in melbourne. frankie ratford is a designer, lecturer, curator, facilitator, roadtripper based in australia.

Pete & AJ
in a nice industrial area of south melbourne, we met up with pete johnson and aj storen from CAN I PLAY. they know each other since their childhood days and started up the company 10 years ago.

Jacob & Kelsey
in fitzroy, one of the creative neighborhoods of melbourne, we met kelsey schwenk, engagement director and jacob zinman-jeanes, senior designer at Thick, a strategic design agency.

Eisuke Tachikama
in yokohama, close to tokyo, we met eisuke tachikama, CEO and founder of Nosigner. the studio is based on the principle of creating 'designs that bring positive changes to the society and the future'.

Claire & Dale
we met claire johnson, senior art director at CLRS & CO, and dale lawrence, creative director at HOICK STUDIO in a vibrant co-working space in cape town.